If you do not like advertising at all, do not read this.
Selling Out.
So, I thought I do my advertising a bit less uselessly. On the top of the blog, there is a link to a site that sells eve time codes. It's linked on the Eve website as a secure seller, and that's good enough for me.
I won't recommend it until I buy one myself, which I should be doing in the next couple of weeks. That said, if you're buying them regularly, or you plan on buying one... use the link on the far right. It'll get me a 5% commission on the sale. If you're planning on signing up to do this on your own website, use the affiliate link on the far right. If a network of folks start doing this, I'll get a bonus as well. If you buy there and have a bad experience, let me know at simpleliberty at gmail.com. Or comment on this post.
I see no reason not to include something like this on my site. The whole idea is to make a bit of isk from this blog, but to do honest work for it. I'm broke ingame right now, so it's a good time to start. I won't use a commission for much other than a time code anyhow.
That said, I'd be open to banner ads on the right and top of the blog. If your corp is recruiting, or you've got a service you'd like to offer, send me an eve mail. I can make funny ads, but if you want something high quality, find an artist first.
I'll be selling 3 spaces for now. A 468x60 at the top, just above the posts(where the Eve Time Code Bit is for now). That one'll be 100 million isk a month. A 125x125 on the right, where the affiliate link is, would be 50 million isk a month.
Finally, I'll put up a 120x600 at the bottom of the stuff on the right for 25 million isk a month. The less intrusive you want the placement, the better the deal.
You've got options, of course. You want something bigger? Pay a little more. Want a long term advertising plan? You'll get a discount if you pay upfront. Want a text ad instead? I can do that.
EvE mail me(Hallan Turrek), and we'll set something up. It's first come first serve, so we'll see what we can see.
SOE Super Capital
18 hours ago
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